

there are monsters that youy need to avoid colliding with as if you touch them you will lose HP and if you lose all your hp you start at the begning


you can find items,powerups, armor, wepons, money, ect on the ground and put into a inventory sytem that hold all you items. this can most likley be stored in an array


walls ar collidable and will block your path/movment if you collide with them. They can be used to hide from monsters or take cover and heal from combat


as mentioned previously you can find wepons as pickups. Wepons can break walls, damage monsters, and if they are used your character will be sent backwards a bit as a type of recoil


the players stats can be upgraded ranging from stength,speed, dexterity, magic, etc upgrading these stats will increase the player in that stat for example decterity will make the player move quicker and attack faster

Enemy types

there will be 3 basic enemy types light,medium, and heavy with their speed verying on their class and wepons varied on class like melee wepons for heavey and ranged for light.

Player classes

There will be difrint player classes ranging from ranger,mele,magic, and summoner(not from terraria I swear) Each class will be given diffrint wepons which damage output will scale with your stat that the wepon scales off of.

Interactable object

there will be objects scattered around the map that you can interact with that will give you LORE :O as who does not love lore?(not the lorax but that would be a funny wepon the loraxe)


armor will increase your defense allowing you to take less damage. But just like elden ring the better the defense the slower you will move and swing.


there will be a roll mecanic that will give you i-frames that will prevent you from taking damage from attacks unless the attacks damage frames are longer than your i-frames or miss the dodge


there will be npcs you can talk to that will give you quests like to kill slimes or to fing their lost baby. Quests will have lots of diffrent rewards ranging from doo doo to very cool.


some areas will be blocked by bosses never item walls or requrements. Technically you will be able to go into every area but you will not be strong enough to go far into one or their are enverment issues that you require and optinal item for. Areas that are blocked off by items are always OPTINAL to make progrestion smoother.


you will be able to custimize your avatar and change the colors of your outfit or change your hats,pants,shirt,shoes,face,head,body,etc


there will be throwable bombs that can unluck little areas inside walls or be very usefull for crowd controll as bombs will have an AOE to damage enemies,walls, and yourslef if you are to close



Projects Setup

Activating Tools For KASM

creating the nigth hawk directory

mkdir nighthawk 
cd nighthawk 
git clone

Run the Activate CMD

cd nighthawk/portfolio_2025/scripts

Check Version

ruby -v
bundle -v
python --version

Git identification

git config --global
git config --global yourGHID 
git config --global --list

Making your Directory

mkdir -p nighthawk
cd nighthawk 
git clone

Prepare Project

cd student_2025
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
bundle install

Downloading the RPG Files into your Directory

Go to this Issue to download the files needed